Thursday 30 August 2012

Death by Robot

In the automotive business there is a saying; “parts PS2 Replacement Parts is parts” in other words any delay is due to parts not getting their in time and the cost is generally higher because of the cost of the parts and not the repair itself. Now then when does a human die and become a machine? In the future humans will get extra parts to stay alive, but when does the human become a machine? And if the machine PS2 Replacement Parts parts are better, faster and stronger. Why would you wish Bulk Wholesale MOQ Lots to be a pure human anyway? After all you would be considered an antique after a PS2 Replacement Parts while.

If you have add on stackable memory of let’s say a small chip insert which gives you every possible language known to mankind, that is a significant advantage, but highly un human. If this helps you in your mental cognition as it becomes the faithful servant side of the brain it replaces the data in one of your hemispheres of your brain.

If you have a heart which is carefully regulated and has artificial components then in fact it is not PS2 Replacement Parts human at all. If your brain and your heart has assistance thru technology are you still human? Or has the human in you become something new. In which case did the human die?

If you add in a new set of features for hearing and sensing thru optics, which assists or is a substitute for your eyes and ears are you now non-human? If you have a new heart, brain augmentation, ears and eyes are you still human? Well?

If you have an artificial Wholesale Cases leg, hand, breast augmentation, artificial knee are you still human? Many would say sure, indeed you are still human? Well, what if you had all that plus an artificial heart, brain parts, eyes and ears too?

When does man become machine and when does the human end and the machine lives on? Death by robot? Hmmm? Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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