Wednesday 22 February 2012

Network marketing – Residual Income possibility

Have you ever had an ambition of being a doctor so that you can enjoy the lifestyle that you have dreamed of? You see, a doctor does earn a substantial amount of income because a doctor is considered as a "rich" professional. The annual income of a doctor could be $150,000 or it might be even more or less. However, we should also bear in mind that highly paid professionals also depend on their income to support their lifestyle. This means that they cannot stop working. If they stop, their income will also stop. In other word, they are the victims of time-for-money trap. They will definitely enjoy their lives in the beginning but if they just continue to do what they do, they are bound to face some problems later on in their lives if they light bulbs do not take necessary steps in assuring their life in a long led lights term way.That is why building a residual income is very important nowadays because the pension fund or the money saved for retirement can no longer cover you retirement life. There are a few ways to create residual income like investing in real estate, investing in stocks, building a franchise business and of course not forgetting network marketing. Even though this doctor lives comfortably with his monthly income, there is sure to be not much of a leftover after he pay for everything in his monthly expenses.This is pretty scary because accidents are out there and you will never know it will happen to you. Once you cannot work, you will have no income at all. So, a residual income is a great solution to prepare you for retirement or even accidents. So, lets take a look at the difference between these 2 income.Monthly/Job income-Trade time for dollar-Money grows linearly-Income stops if you are disabled-Not creating true wealth-You are getting by month to month-When work stops, income stopsResidual/passive income-You leverage you time-Money grows exponentially-Income continues indefinitely-You are creating wealth-Total time freedom-Income keeps coming inSo, if you have not started building your residual income, I suggest you do so. The best income in the world is to have multiple streams of income that can prepare you for any challenges that you may have in the future. There are many things money cannot solve but there are also many things that money can solve. So, good luck and all the best and go for residual income.

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